Salina Cruz

Salina Cruz, situated on the southern coast of Oaxaca, Mexico, offers a blend of beach bliss and local charm. Playa Cangrejo and Playa Azul Oaxaca are perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and surfing. Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting the Iglesia Catolica Sagrada Familia, a charming church reflecting the town's heritage.

Explore the pristine Playa Cangrejo, known for its golden sands and gentle waves. Playa Azul Oaxaca offers stunning ocean views and opportunities to soak up the sun. Discover the historic Iglesia Catolica Sagrada Familia and learn about its significance to the community. Immerse yourself in the local atmosphere by visiting the Mercado de Salina Cruz, a vibrant market filled with fresh produce, crafts, and the famous Oaxaca cheese. As the sun sets, Salina Cruz comes alive with live music and dancing at local bars and clubs.

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