Comodoro Rivadavia

Comodoro Rivadavia, often called Comodoro, is another Patagonian city offering a blend of modern amenities and historical charm. Situated on the San Jorge Gulf, it boasts stunning natural landscapes.

Shopping enthusiasts can find their fix at Puesto La Mata Talabarteria, Pachagonia Tienda De Regalos, or the vast Shopping del Sur Comodoro, known as Patagonia's largest shopping center.

The city boasts historical landmarks like Cerro Chenque, St. George Lighthouse, and Catedral de San Juan Bosco. Museums like Museo Nacional del Petroleo and Museo Ferroportuario delve into the region's rich industrial and cultural heritage.

Comodoro's nightlife scene caters to various preferences. Popular spots like La Fabrica Pub & Disco, Jet Set Club, and Marama Disco offer trendy vibes, delicious food, and diverse entertainment options

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