Bahia De Jobos

Bahía de Jobos, also known as Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, is a federally protected estuary in Puerto Rico. This intertidal tropical ecosystem is a haven for diverse wildlife, with seagrass beds, coral reefs, and mangroves dominating the landscape. The bay itself covers nearly 3,000 acres, encompassing coastal wetlands and 15 offshore mangrove cays known as Los Cayos Caribes. Visitors can learn about this unique ecosystem at the Jobos Bay National Research Reserve visitor center, featuring exhibits and educational displays. Hike along the Jagueyes Forest Interpretive Trail for a closer look at the mangroves, wetlands, and salt flats, or explore the 15 offshore mangrove cays known as Los Cayos Caribes. While the reserve itself doesn't have shops, the nearby towns of Guayama and Salinas offer local markets and shopping opportunities.

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