Cockburn Harbor

Cockburn Harbor, South Caicos: Discover the charm of Cockburn Harbor, the largest community on South Caicos, known for its laid-back atmosphere and rustic beauty. Stock up on supplies at the local grocery store near the main ferry dock, offering one of the island's best selections of groceries, produce, and household items. Take a step back in time and explore the relics of the old salt industry, remnants of the island's industrial past. Enjoy panoramic views from Government Hill, overlooking the turquoise waters and the picturesque islands of Long Cay and Dove Cay within the Admiral Cockburn Land and Sea National Park. While still recovering from hurricane damage, Cockburn Harbor offers a few restaurants and bars, like Mango Mama's and The Last Chance Saloon, where you can enjoy local seafood, refreshing drinks, and a taste of the island's laid-back nightlife.

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