Puerto Colon

Puerto Colon, also known as Colon, is a bustling city and seaport near the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal. It holds the title of Panama's second city and boasts the second-largest duty-free shopping zone in the world.

Shopping: Prepare to be amazed by the Colon Free Zone, located southeast of the cruise docks. This vast area, spanning over 1,000 acres, houses over 3,000 companies, making it the most important free zone on the Latin American continent.

Attractions: Witness the marvels of engineering at the Panama Canal by visiting the locks of Gatun Lake or Miraflores. Discover the region's diverse flora and fauna in the rainforest, or explore popular tourist spots like the Panama Canal Railway and La Granja Campo y Aventura.

Nightlife: While Colon offers vibrant nightlife options like the Floating Rum Bar and El Bar de Pupy, it's advisable to exercise caution and avoid walking alone at night.

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