Puerto Cristobal

Puerto Cristobal holds the distinction of being the oldest operating seaport on the Atlantic. This historic port, located in Limon Bay, has been commercially active for over 150 years.

Shopping: Puerto Cristobal boasts over 3,000 companies, offering a vast array of products. Right across from the ship, you'll find a convenient strip shopping center with a large grocery store, Subway, souvenir shops, and more. Additionally, a duty-free shop awaits you upon arrival.

Attractions: Explore the restaurants and shops around the Colon 2000 terminal, or delve into the local craft markets near the Cristobal port.

Nightlife: Panama is renowned for its vibrant nightlife, with countless options for bars, rooftop venues, discos, wine spots, and more. While Colon has a history of street crime, authorities have made significant efforts to ensure tourist safety within the duty-free zone.

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