Oita Ko

Oita Port offers a taste of Japanese culture after a long voyage. After securing your ship, delve into the city's rich heritage. Visit the Oita Municipal Art Museum, home to an impressive collection of modern and contemporary art. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the زیب의원 (Zepphyoen)  Garden, a beautiful landscape garden boasting a teahouse and koi ponds. Explore the historic streets of Funai Otemachi, lined with traditional wooden buildings and local shops selling regional specialties like Oita dango (sweet dumplings). For a delightful meal, savor the freshest seafood at a harborside restaurant. Nightlife in Oita caters to diverse preferences. Bustle through the vibrant streets of the Oita Bank Dome area, filled with bars and restaurants, or find a cozy izakaya for a more intimate experience. If you prefer a quiet evening, relax on the deck of your ship and gaze at the moonlit Oita Bay, a perfect way to unwind before your next adventure.  

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