Zhenjiang, Chinkiang

Zhenjiang, a captivating city nestled on the Yangtze River's southern bank in Jiangsu Province, offers a harmonious blend of history and modern life. Renowned for its Chinkiang vinegar, a prized ingredient in Chinese cuisine, Zhenjiang invites exploration.

Discover the rich tapestry of history at Jiaoshan Mountain, a site steeped in cultural and calligraphic significance. For a unique dining experience, indulge in the delights of Xijin Ferry's Paulaner restaurant, complete with live music and outdoor seating. Admire the city's well-preserved medieval architecture, a testament to its storied past. Immerse yourself in local history and culture through visits to specialty museums.

Find tranquility in the serene embrace of Mengxi Park or Boxian Park, both offering green spaces for relaxation. Delve deeper into the city's heritage at the Zhenjiang Museum. For a taste of local life, explore the vibrant atmosphere of local bars and pubs or enjoy peaceful strolls through the city's squares and along the riverbank.

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