
Mati City, nestled on the southeastern coast of Mindanao, offers a captivating blend of natural beauty and laid-back charm. As the capital of Davao Oriental, it serves as a gateway to the province's stunning landscapes.

Mati's allure lies in its pristine beaches, with Dahican Beach being a standout for its world-class surfing waves and crystal-clear waters. For a serene escape, Pujada Island beckons with its secluded shores and hidden coves. Immerse yourself in the local atmosphere at the Baywalk, a popular spot for evening strolls, live music, and delicious street food.

While not a major shopping hub, Mati offers local markets and small stores for basic necessities. The city's nightlife is characterized by a laid-back ambiance, with the Baywalk providing a perfect setting for relaxed evenings and live entertainment.

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