Santa Cruz (Marinduque Isl)

Santa Cruz, the capital of heart-shaped Marinduque, offers a delightful escape. Known for its annual Moriones Festival, the town boasts a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty.

Discover the serenity of Palad Sandbar, a secluded island with pristine waters, or marvel at the majestic Ungab Rock Formation, rising 100 feet above the water. Maniwaya Island, with its white-sand beach and clear blue waters, is perfect for swimming and sunset watching.

Indulge in local flavors with uraro (arrowroot cookies), kari-kari, and ulang-ulang. Rejano's Bakery is famous for its arrowroot cookies and polvoron. While Santa Cruz may not have a bustling nightlife, enjoy peaceful evenings at local eateries and beachfront spots.

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