Pohnpei Harbor, Langar Road

Pohnpei Island, aptly nicknamed "the garden of Micronesia," is the largest and most elevated island in the Federated States of Micronesia. Surrounded by a barrier reef and boasting fertile soil, the island is covered in lush greenery. Pohnpei Harbor provides access to this natural paradise.

A hidden gem awaits in the lagoon – Nan Madol, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore these ancient man-made islands built on stone platforms and connected by canals. This archaeological marvel offers a glimpse into the rich history of the Sau Deleur dynasty that once ruled the island.

Beyond the historical significance, Pohnpei offers stunning natural beauty. Take an easy walk to the refreshing Kepirohi Waterfall, or embark on a serene diving adventure in the clear waters and reefs of Ant Atoll. Hike the Sokehs Rock ridge for breathtaking panoramic views, or marvel at the cascading Liduduhniap Falls.

Pohnpei's shopping scene allows you to discover the local flair. Find colorful and intricately designed clothing that reflects the unique FSM island fashion. Support local businesses like the Pohnpei Bakery & Coffee Shop, or explore online options like ShopPohnpei.com.

For a taste of the local culture, experience the traditional kava-like brew called Sakau, a popular evening activity. Arrange cultural dances through tourist offices or hotels, and immerse yourself in the vibrant music and dance scene offered by some hotels.

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