
Kwajalein Atoll, the world's largest coral atoll, is a mesmerizing expanse of land and sea in the Marshall Islands. Encompassing 97 islands and islets, it surrounds a vast lagoon covering an area of 2,174 square kilometers. With an average elevation of just 1.8 meters, the atoll offers a unique island experience. Historically significant as a battleground during World War II, Kwajalein has evolved into a modern-day destination.

Explore the underwater world through snorkeling or scuba diving, encountering vibrant coral reefs and abundant marine life. Discover remnants of the past at ancient ruins, offering a glimpse into the atoll's history. Birdwatchers will appreciate the diverse avian life, including the rare Kwajalein Frigatebird. Indulge in local cuisine, fresh seafood, and unique crafts at traditional markets. Relax on stunning white sand beaches, go fishing, or kayak through crystal-clear waters. For a deeper understanding of the region's culture and history, visit the Marshall Islands National Museum.

Kwajalein offers a vibrant shopping scene, with traditional markets for local finds and modern department stores like the Kwajalein Shopping Center for a wider range of goods. While nightlife is relatively limited, the atoll's beauty and cultural experiences provide a memorable escape.

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