Baie Taiohae, Anne Narie Bay

Baie Taiohae, situated on the southern coast of Nuku Hiva, the largest of the Marquesas Islands, offers a serene escape. Nestled within a former volcanic crater, the bay's natural beauty is enhanced by black sand beaches, calm waters, and lush green mountains.

Taiohae, the main village, serves as the administrative and economic capital of the Marquesas archipelago. Visitors can explore the Notre Dame Cathedral, admiring its intricate wooden sculptures, or climb the Tiki Tuhiva for panoramic views of the harbor. For a more active experience, hike to the impressive Hakaui Waterfall or discover the pristine beaches of Anaho Bay.

Immerse yourself in local culture by visiting the public market, offering a range of local crafts and products. While nightlife is tranquil, the bay's serene atmosphere invites visitors to relax and savor the moment, perhaps with sunset drinks at the Apooiti Marina.

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