Port Rikitea

Port Rikitea, nestled on Mangareva Lagoon in French Polynesia, offers a serene escape. This island paradise, located southeast of Tahiti, is a haven for those seeking tranquility and cultural immersion. Home to the vibrant village of Rikitea and ancient marae structures, the island offers a glimpse into Polynesian history. The majestic Mount Duff and Mount Mokoto form a breathtaking backdrop to this idyllic setting.

St. Michael’s Cathedral, a stunning example of European missionary architecture, adds a touch of history to the island. For a taste of local life, explore the village of Rikitea and its ancient marae sites. Escape to the nearby Taravai Island for pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. Immerse yourself in local culture through the art of shell engraving at the Carving School at Camika CED.

While Port Rikitea offers a peaceful ambiance, the island's rich cultural heritage provides ample opportunities for entertainment. Participate in traditional activities, witness captivating singing and dancing performances, and explore the island's archaeological remains. The Gambier Islands offer a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural richness, making it an unforgettable destination.

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