Savusavu Bay, Nakama

Nestled on the island of Vanua Levu, Savusavu Bay is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Formed from a volcanic caldera, the bay boasts geothermal activity and stunning natural beauty. Dive into its crystal-clear waters, explore vibrant coral reefs, and discover hidden waterfalls like Vuadomo. Immerse yourself in local culture by visiting villages and learning about traditional crafts. For a unique experience, visit J. Hunter Pearl Farm or indulge in sustainable chocolate at KokoMana. Amidst lush rainforests and cascading waterfalls, Savusavu Bay offers an unforgettable escape. Indulge in fresh seafood at local restaurants, and enjoy the vibrant nightlife at the marina, where you can savor cocktails while watching the sunset over the bay.

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