
Salawati, one of the four major islands in Indonesia's Raja Ampat Archipelago, is renowned for its pristine environment and rich biodiversity. This island, with an area of approximately 1,623 square kilometers, offers a truly unique experience.

Dive into an underwater wonderland, exploring the vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful marine life, including the iconic rainbow fish. Uncover remnants of the past by exploring hidden bunkers built during World War II by the Japanese and Dutch military. Embark on birdwatching adventures through the island's dense jungles, home to a diverse array of avian species. Immerse yourself in nature by exploring the lush sago forests and witnessing traditional sago harvesting practices.

Discover local treasures at markets offering fresh seafood, local produce, and handcrafted souvenirs. Immerse yourself in the local culture through evening gatherings and cultural performances. Under the clear night sky, stargazing becomes a magical experience.

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