Kuala Kapus

Kuala Kapuas, situated on the Kapuas River, 40 kilometers from Banjarmasin, is a city known as the "City of Water." This clean and comfortable city in Central Kalimantan offers a unique experience.

Explore the historical Huma Hai Loendjoe house, built in 1907 by Mr. Loendjoe. Escape to Telo Island, a charming fishing village and port, or embark on a thrilling white-water rafting adventure on the Gohong Rawai rapids. For a glimpse into the region's history, visit the gold mines of Teweh and Batu Api in the Rungan district.

Kuala Kapuas offers a blend of modern and traditional shopping. Citimall provides a range of goods, while local markets offer unique handicrafts and souvenirs. While nightlife options are limited within the city, nearby Banjarmasin offers a more vibrant scene with bars, clubs, and live music. Immerse yourself in the local culinary scene at the many eateries and cafes offering delicious Indonesian cuisine.

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