Kuala Tanjung, Tanjung Tanjung

Kuala Tanjung, situated in Batubara Regency, North Sumatra, is a significant seaport and a key component of the Maritime Silk Road. Operated by Pelindo I, in partnership with Port of Rotterdam and DP World, the port has the potential to handle a massive 60 million TEUs annually upon full completion.    

While primarily an industrial zone, the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone offers opportunities for business and tourism development. Escape the bustling port life by exploring nearby beaches or immersing yourself in the local Batak culture and heritage.

For shopping, explore the traditional local markets or head to DECO 100 Supermarket for a wider range of goods. The local nightlife scene is relatively limited, with options primarily centered around small local bars and cafes or the vibrant atmosphere of local night markets with food stalls and live music.

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