
Pangkalpinang, the capital of Indonesia's Bangka Belitung Islands province, boasts a rich history rooted in tin mining and spice trade. Situated on the east coast of Bangka Island, the city offers a blend of natural beauty and cultural experiences.

Explore the pristine Pasir Padi Beach, a popular getaway close to the city center. Immerse yourself in nature at the Bangka Botanical Garden, featuring diverse flora, fishing facilities, and a cow farm. Discover the region's tin mining heritage at the Tin Museum. For a unique experience, visit Kaolin Lake, known for its stunning blue waters, and the Sea Goddess Temple (Klenteng Dewi Laut) with its ocean views.

For shopping, head to Pusat Oleh-Oleh LCK for local specialties and gifts, or explore Yuna Snack Store for a variety of local snacks. Discover unique items at Godai Sejiwa, a specialty gift shop.

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