Bandar-E Shahid Reajie

Shahid Rajaee Port, one of two parts of Bandar Abbas, is a crucial cargo hub in southern Iran. Located on the Strait of Hormuz, the port boasts a capacity to handle 70 million tons of cargo annually, including three million TEUs of containerized cargo. With 23 berths and 23.5 kilometers of domestic railway tracks, Shahid Rajaee Port is well-equipped for efficient cargo handling.

While primarily an industrial zone, visitors can explore the rugged beauty of the nearby coastline and immerse themselves in the local culture of Bandar Abbas. The port's status as a Special Economic Zone offers unique business opportunities.

While Shahid Rajaee Port is not known for its nightlife or extensive shopping, visitors can experience the local markets and savor the flavors of Bandar Abbas.

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