Jazirat Das, Das Island

Das Island Port is a critical maritime facility located in the Arabian Gulf, approximately 160 kilometers off the coast of Abu Dhabi, UAE. It serves as a significant hub for the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and oil, managed by ADNOC. The port features extensive infrastructure including berths, loading terminals equipped with advanced LNG and oil handling facilities, storage tanks, and specialized mooring systems for tankers. Operational procedures at Das Island Port are meticulously managed to ensure safety, efficiency, and adherence to international maritime standards. Navigating around Das Island requires careful attention to navigational charts and communication with port authorities due to its remote location and potential for challenging weather conditions. For sailors, shore leave on Das Island is typically facilitated under strict protocols and security measures, allowing crew members to access designated areas for relaxation and recreation while ensuring compliance with port regulations and safety guidelines. Shore leave opportunities may include access to recreational facilities, dining options, and cultural experiences arranged by port authorities to provide a balanced respite for seafarers amidst their duties.

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