Zeit Bay Terminal

Zeit Bay Terminal, situated on the western shore of the Gulf of Suez, offers a unique juxtaposition of maritime activity and natural wonders. Operated by the Suez Oil Company (SUCO), this terminal features facilities for crude oil and LPG handling.

While the terminal itself might not be an ideal tourist destination, several interesting locations are nearby. Explore the historical significance of the Temple of Sarabit El-Khadim or the therapeutic waters of the Moses Springs. For shopping, explore the vibrant Tentmakers Bazaar or indulge in the sweetness of Egyptian dates, a specialty of the Siwa Oasis.

Similar to El Tor, Zeit Bay Terminal's charm lies in its tranquility. Escape the city lights and embark on a stargazing adventure in the vast desert, or enjoy a peaceful felucca ride along the moonlit Gulf waters

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