
Manakara, a city on Madagascar's southeastern coast, boasts a beautiful location along the Indian Ocean and the scenic Pangalanes Canal.  As the capital of the Fitovinany Region, Manakara offers a glimpse into Malagasy life. 

The city enjoys a pleasant climate with average temperatures around 27°C, making it a comfortable destination year-round. Discover the unique tradition of Antehimoro paper, a beautiful handmade paper crafted from the bark of the araho tree, used for scrolls and postcards. Manakara's economy thrives on agriculture, with coffee, coconut, vanilla, pepper, and cloves being some of its specialties.

One of Manakara's highlights is exploring the scenic Canal des Pangalanes. Take a boat trip and stop at charming villages like Andranokoditra or Tapakala to experience local life and lush landscapes. Manakara Beach offers a stunning stretch of coastline with white sand and clear waters, perfect for relaxation.

For the active traveler, explore the picturesque Betsileo landscapes and villages by bike or on foot. While nightlife options are limited, Manakara has local establishments like Parthenay Club, La Vanille, or Les Delices de l’Orient where you can unwind and enjoy an evening.

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