Greater Plutonio Terminal

Block 18, offshore Angola, is home to the Greater Plutonio Terminal, a sophisticated facility serving multiple oil fields.  This development encompasses five separate fields: Galio, Cromio, Paladio, Plutonio, and Cobalto.  Located roughly 100 miles northwest of Luanda in water depths ranging from 1,200 to 1,600 meters, the Greater Plutonio Terminal is a marvel of modern engineering.

The centerpiece of the terminal is a spread-moored FPSO, a floating production, storage, and offloading vessel.  This state-of-the-art facility is entirely electric, maximizing energy efficiency.  In 2020, the Greater Plutonio Terminal celebrated a major milestone: delivering its 600-millionth barrel of oil, a testament to its productivity.  The partners behind this success story include BP, Sinopec International, and Sonangol P&P.

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