Sao Tome

São Tomé, the larger island in the twin-island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored.  This charming city boasts beautiful Romanesque churches, ornate colonial buildings, palm-lined boulevards, and pretty plazas.  As the capital, economic hub, and political center, São Tomé holds historical significance, marking the year the island gained independence.  Visit the Presidential Palace, Independence Square, and the fascinating National Museum for a glimpse into the island's past.  Stroll along the Ana Chaves Bay shoreline and soak in the beauty of the surroundings.

Beyond the cityscape, São Tomé offers diverse natural attractions.  Explore the otherworldly wilderness of Obo National Park, encompassing over 230 square kilometers.  This park boasts salt-washed mangroves, virgin rainforests, and the mighty Pico Cao Grande peak.  For a beach escape, head to Banana Beach, accessible through Roça Belo Monte.  This public beach offers golden sands and turquoise waters.  Other interesting spots include the Cascata de Sao Nicolau waterfall and Ilheu das Rolas, where the equator and Greenwich meridian intersect, offering stunning views. While shopping is limited to local crafts and souvenirs, experiencing the true essence of the island lies in exploring its natural beauty and rich history. 

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