Punta Europa Terminal

Punta Europa Terminal, located off the north coast of Bioko Island in Equatorial Guinea, is a crucial export hub. Operated by Marathon E.G. Production Ltd, the terminal handles liquefied natural gas (LNG), condensate, LPG, and methanol. Vessels up to 244 meters in length can be accommodated by the Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) terminal positioned roughly 800 meters offshore. While the terminal itself might not be of major tourist interest, the surrounding area offers scenic coastlines and beautiful marine landscapes to explore.

While shopping options near the terminal might be limited, consider exploring local markets and malls in nearby cities to experience Equatorial Guinea's culture through unique crafts and souvenirs. For a taste of the country's vibrant nightlife, head to Bata, where nightclubs, lounges, music, dance venues, and casinos provide entertainment options well into the night.

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