Port Nador

Port Nador, a bustling coastal city in Morocco, offers a blend of history, natural beauty, and vibrant markets. Located in the Rif area, it shares its piers and entrance with the Spanish enclave of Melilla.

While exploring Port Nador, prioritize safety by being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions against petty crimes.

Discover the captivating Minarosita Beach, where you can witness breathtaking sunsets and enjoy the tranquility of the Moroccan coastline. Immerse yourself in history by exploring the Kasbah of Boukidan, a historical site influenced by Arab, Berber, and Spanish cultures. Uncover the remnants of La Bocana, another historical gem in the city. For a different perspective, visit Sebta Beach, known for its stunning views and playful Barbary Macaque families.

Indulge in shopping at Souk Oulad Mimoun, where you can find Spanish products imported from Melilla at attractive prices. Explore the Complexe Commercial for a variety of goods. Discover unique jewelry and gifts at Bijouterie Babel.

While Port Nador's nightlife scene might be less vibrant compared to other Moroccan cities, you can explore local cafes and restaurants to soak in the local atmosphere.

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