Menzel Bourguiba

Menzel Bourguiba, a town in Tunisia's Bizerte Governorate, offers a glimpse into the country's history and coastal charm. Formerly known as Ferryville, the town was renamed in honor of Tunisia's first president, Habib Bourguiba, in 1956.

Explore the historic Fort d'Espagne for panoramic views of the city and the sea. Delve into the local culture and history at the Dar Jallouli Museum. Relax on the shores of Guengla Beach, known for its colonial-style houses and popular with residents.

While Menzel Bourguiba might not be a major shopping hub, you can find local products and souvenirs in the town's shops and markets.

The town offers a quieter pace compared to bustling cities, allowing visitors to soak in its coastal ambiance and experience Tunisian life away from the tourist crowds.

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