Aigio, Aegion, Ormos Aiyiou, Vostitza

Aigio, a captivating town in Achaea, West Greece, boasts a rich history dating back to Neolithic times. Located on the Gulf of Corinth, Aigio is a port town surrounded by trees in the north and cliffs in the northwest. The city, established during Homeric times, became part of the first Achaean League around 800 BC. Aigio also produced several Olympic champions, including Xenophon and Ladas. Following the destruction of Helike by an earthquake and tsunami in 373 BC, Aigio absorbed the neighboring city's territory.

Explore history and artifacts at the Archaeological Museum of Aigio. Wine lovers can indulge in top-class wines and a unique gravity-driven winemaking process at Rouvalis Winery. History buffs can appreciate the preserved neoclassical buildings in the Old Market of Aigio, including the Panagiotopoulos Mansion and the Historical and Folklore Museum.

For shopping, explore local shops for traditional products and souvenirs, or find unique items at Fantasy Shopping, a multibrand fashion boutique. While Aigio doesn't have a bustling nightlife, you can unwind at beachfront tavernas, small bars, and cafes. For a livelier scene, consider venturing out to nearby towns like Patras.

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