
Ponza, the largest island in the Pontine Islands archipelago, lies 33 kilometers south of Cape Circeo. Inhabited since neolithic times, Ponza boasts a rich history dating back to ancient Rome. While legends link the island's name to Pontius Pilate, recent theories suggest other origins, including the Greek word "pontos" (sea) or "Pontia" (Land of Bridges). The Etruscans were the first to colonize the island.

Ponza offers a variety of attractions for visitors. Relax on the most popular beach, Chiaia di Luna, framed by cliffs and boasting crystal-clear waters. Explore the Grotte di Pilato caves, including "La Murenaia," where morays were once bred. Uncover the legendary side of the island at the Grotta della Maga Circe, associated with Homer's sorceress Circe. Enjoy stunning views from the Chiesa dei Santi Silverio e Domitilla church.

The lively Ponza Harbor welcomes visitors with colorful houses, shops, and a bounty of fresh seafood restaurants. For a leisurely afternoon, sip coffee or aperitifs at beachfront cafes while indulging in the sea views.

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