Little Port Walter

Little Port Walter, on the southeastern side of Baranof Island, offers a unique blend of history and contemporary science. Once the site of a bustling herring saltery around the turn of the 20th century, the area is now home to the ruins of this historic operation.  These remnants stand as a testament to the area's fishing heritage.

Progress and scientific advancement have led to a transformation in Little Port Walter.  The former herring saltery has been replaced by a research station, making it the oldest year-round biological field station in all of Alaska.  Dedicated to studying the life cycles of various salmon species, this research station plays a vital role in understanding and preserving these important fish populations.

Beyond the historical and scientific significance, Little Port Walter offers a safe harbor for those seeking refuge on their Alaskan adventures.  This unique combination of history, science, and natural beauty makes Little Port Walter a fascinating stop for any curious traveler.

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